Drug Recalls

Recalled Drugs
Cranston & Edwards PLLC – Morgantown, WV Trial Attorneys
By the time a drug is recalled, there may be hundreds or thousands of seriously injured victims. These days, drug manufacturers who previously marketed medicines to professionally trained medical personnel are now hawking powerful substances directly to consumers through aggressive radio, TV, and internet advertisements. Some of these “Drug Coaching” ads suggest that common symptoms may indicate a serious medical condition and listeners are being coached on how to talk to their doctor and convince them to write a prescription for a medication that may be unnecessary or even dangerous. These drugs may later be recalled for various reasons after having caused significant injuries.
- Contamination
- Labelling Errors
- Dangerous Product
- Defective Product
- Carcinogens Present
- Violations of Manufacturing Laws
While not all recalls indicate a strong likelihood of causing a significant adverse health reaction, many have the potential to cause serious health problems.
- Liver Damage
- Kidney Damage
- Tumors and Cancer
- Enlarged and/or Reduced Function of Internal Organs
- Defects In Performance/Safety
- Death
Failure to Disclose Known Drug Dangers
When drug manufacturers fail to disclose a known danger or place profit above health and safety in a negligent or careless manner, Cranston & Edwards PLLC holds them accountable. If you or a loved one have suffered from any type of serious medical condition as a result of consuming a dangerous or recalled drug, our Morgantown trial attorneys are here for you.
Injured By a Recalled Drug? You May be Eligible for Financial Compensation
Individuals injured by recalled drugs may be eligible to receive financial compensation for past and anticipated future medical expenses related to necessary treatment, loss of wages, economic losses, past and anticipated future physical and psychological pain and suffering, as well as potential punitive damages depending on the specific facts of your case.
FDA List of Voluntarily Recalled Drugs
The list of recalled drugs is expanding so fast that we cannot possibly list them all here. The FDA maintains a searchable list of drugs that have been voluntarily recalled by their manufacturers and for which public notification has been issued. The list may not include all dangerous drugs, but it can be viewed here as a general reference.

What Should I Do If I May Have Taken a Recalled Drug?
If you believe that you have been exposed to, or are currently taking, a recalled drug, you may want to stop taking the medication; however, it is important to check with your doctor first before discontinuing any prescribed medication. Remember that most recalls are for relatively minor issues. To get the most up-to-date and accurate information, you should contact the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research directly at: 1-855-543-3794 or 1-310-796-3400. The drug manufacturer may also be able to help you confirm whether or not the drug in your possession is part of a recall. Please visit their website for details including how to find the medication’s lot number and expiration date. If you are concerned about any unusual symptoms that may be related to taking the recalled medication, contact your doctor immediately.
If you or a loved one have experienced significant harm as a result of using a prescription or over-the-counter medication, contact Cranston & Edwards PLLC for a free case evaluation. If we accept your case, we will advance all fees and handle your claim on a contingency basis. You owe us nothing unless we recover on your behalf.