Toxic Exposure

Toxic Exposure Injuries
Cranston & Edwards PLLC – Morgantown, WV Trial Attorneys
Toxic chemical exposure in the workplace is a growing concern in West Virginia. Various industries have been exposing employees, as well as the general public, to toxic chemicals proven to cause serious injuries and diseases – many of which may result in death. If you or a loved one have been burned, poisoned, or developed a disease known to have been caused by exposure to these hazardous materials, contact the law firm of Cranston & Edwards PLLC right away. Our skilled trial attorneys hold negligent parties accountable for their actions. Call for a free case evaluation today: 304-296-3500.
What Diseases Are Caused by Toxic Chemical Exposure?
Several life-threatening diseases and conditions can be caused by the careless exposure to toxic chemicals and their negligent release into the environment. If you have been diagnosed with one of these conditions and have good reason to believe that your condition was caused by a workplace safety violation, you may be eligible to file a claim for the injuries you have suffered.
- Silicosis
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Lymphoma
- Sarcoidosis
- Multiple Myeloma
- Hodgkins Disease
- Leukemia
- Occupational Pneumoconiosis
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Cancer
- Reproductive System Damage/Infertility
Chemicals and Toxins Known to Cause Serious Bodily Injury
While injuries caused by some toxins (such as cyanide) may become apparent after a single exposure, those that enter the body through the lungs and skin (such as lead and mercury) may take several years to manifest. Airborne contaminants, as well as those that poison drinking water, typically result in organ damage and systemic injury that damages the lungs, blood, brain, and nervous system. It is important to remember that the effects of many of these toxic substances are cumulative and may only become apparent after the passage of a substantial period of time. Some of the most common toxins that are known to cause serious illness, disease, and even death upon prolonged exposure include:
- Pesticides (unwashed produce & environmental exposure)
- Asbestos (insulation)
- Coal Dust (mining)
- Silica Dust
- Solvents
- Benzene/Gasoline (fuels & degreasers)
- Lead (paint & plumbing)
- Carcinogens
- Mercury (thermostats & preservatives)
- Toxic Waste
- Fracking Fluids
- Radioactive Materials
- Vinyl Chloride (pipe sealants)
- Nickle (industrial manufacturing)
- Nitrates (fertilizers)
- Industrial Pollutants
- Manganese
- Beryllium
- Arsenic (pressure treated wood)
- Cyanide (rat poisons)
(These are just a few examples of where these toxins are commonly found. Toxins may be released into structures and the environment for a wide variety of purposes and applications.)
Some of these substances are so toxic that just one exposure is sufficient for victims to suffer acute poisoning that may cause liver damage, nervous system damage, cancer, lung disease, kidney failure, immune system damage, and ultimately, death.
Our Medical Experts Build a Strong Claim for Financial Compensation
If you believe your exposure to a toxic substance caused your injury, or the death of a loved one, and you require financial compensation for medical bills and other losses, you should hire an attorney with superior knowledge of the law, as well as the medical issues associated with your condition. At Cranston & Edwards PLLC, our respected team of trial lawyers has over 60 years of collective experience protecting the rights of those who have been injured through no fault of their own. Our team has access to various experts in the medical field to help build the strongest possible claim on your behalf. We have secured numerous financial compensation settlements and judgements in excess of one million dollars for our clients and we will fight to collect all the benefits you are entitled to receive, as well.
Contact Cranston & Edwards PLLC right away to schedule a free case evaluation to seek justice and preserve your right to receive full compensation from all liable parties. There are no fees due unless we recover on your behalf. Call: 304-296-3500.