Sexual Abuse Victims

Sexual Assault and Abuse Injuries
Cranston & Edwards PLLC – Morgantown, WV Trial Attorneys
Sexual predators and those who help these individuals conceal their crimes in the state of West Virginia face severe criminal and civil penalties. Whether you have a pending criminal case, the criminal case has concluded with a guilty or not guilty verdict, or have not yet filed a criminal case, you may be eligible to file a civil claim against any individual who touched you in a sexual manner without your consent. At Cranston & Edwards PLLC in Morgantown, our compassionate team of personal injury trial attorneys takes great pride in protecting the rights of those who have experienced all types of sexual abuse and assault and empowering them to secure justice and help prevent others from experiencing similar injuries.
Our Personal Injury Lawyers Secure Civil Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors
At Cranston & Edwards PLLC, our respected personal injury lawyers can pursue civil justice remedies that provide sexual abuse and assault survivors the ability to hold sexual predators, as well as those who facilitated the injuries, accountable for their actions. All parties whose negligence or wrongful acts contributed to the incident may be held accountable.
- Sexual Predators
- Family Members & Relatives
- Neighbors
- Mormon Church
- Teachers
- Boy Scouts of America
- Churches
- ISKCON Temples
- Place of Employment
- Schools
- Jewish Temples & Congregations
- Community Groups
- Catholic Priests & Bishops
- Club Leaders
- Principals
- Vatican
- Fraternal Organizations
- Counselors
- Religious & Parochial Schools
- Islamic Mosques and Centers
- Youth Groups
- Camps
- Negligent Individuals

You Are Not Alone
Cranston & Edwards PLLC protects the rights of sexual abuse and assault survivors no matter where the incident occurred or who the perpetrator was. No one is too wealthy, powerful, or connected as to be above the law. If you were seriously injured as a result of a sexual predator’s actions, you are not alone. Contact our law firm for aggressive legal representation so you can find closure and support through the healing process. Call: 304-296-3500.
Was I Sexually Abused or Assaulted? Learn How WV Law Defines These Crimes
West Virginia has very specific legal definitions that apply to crimes of a sexual nature. These definitions are also applicable to your civil claim. If you are unsure whether or not the incident you endured meets the definition of sexual abuse or assault, you may visit the West Virginia Code of Law online here. Please contact our law firm if we can answer any questions you may have.
Abused by a Catholic Priest, Mormon Church Member, or Religious Entity?
For hundreds of years, a secretive network of abuse has relied on its own invented culture of shame to silence and perpetuate sexual abuse and assault against our most vulnerable population. Throughout West Virginia, the United States, and around the globe, Catholic priests, nuns, and bishops, Mormon/Latter-Day-Saint members, and other clergy members and religious groups of all persuasions have taken advantage of their positions of trust and power in their communities to sexually abuse, assault, and terrorize men, women, children, and even infants.
Thanks to some extremely brave individuals, the veil is finally being lifted on this particularly reprehensible abuse of power and those who have been victimized have begun the fight to end their suffering and take back their autonomy and place the shame and blame squarely where it belongs – on the sexual predators alone. At Cranston & Edwards PLLC, we understand how difficult the comprehensive challenges involved for survivors of religious-sanctioned sexual abuse can be. We understand how these predators may utilize charm in the church and community setting to help ensure that no one will believe you, as well as using the threat of eternal damnation and other manipulations of your faith to terrorize you into subjugation. These are extraordinarily heinous crimes and they are totally unacceptable. Our skilled trial attorneys fight to defend survivors of sexual abuse wherever it occurs. No one is above the law.

Negligent Hiring and Failure to Investigate Likely Sexual Predators
Whether an organization was aware that they were hiring a sexual predator, neglected to take advantage of readily available resources to do a background check, or ignored common knowledge of allegations of abuse, or other information provided publicly or privately regarding the likelihood that the individual was at risk to sexually abuse or assault individuals of the organization or group, they may be held liable. Our legal team can hold entities accountable for negligent hiring practices and the potential negligence of their other legal duties, as well.
Compensation for Medical Bills, Counseling, Lost Wages, and Mental Anguish
Sexual abuse and assaults tend to create a wide range of physical, emotional, and psychological damage that can take a significant toll on all aspects of life and cause terrible ripples throughout all of society. Recovery may take many years. Some survivors may not recover at all. Aside from physical injuries and scars, the inability to leave home without fear, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder can leave survivors permanently disabled and unable to work, spend time with family, or even trust anyone. Cranston & Edwards PLLC can represent your interests to help ensure that you receive adequate compensation for all areas of life involving loss as a result of the sexual abuse or assault of you or your child.
- Medical Bills for Past & Future Care
- Pain and Suffering
- Mental Anguish
- Therapy & Rehabilitation
- Disability
- Counseling
- Lost Wages and Future Earnings
- Loss of Life Enjoyment
- Lost Time With Family
Holding Sexual Predators Accountable
No amount of money can change what happened and we are keenly aware of the intense pain that can be stirred up while pursuing justice against a sexual predator, particularly one who abused your sense of trust. Despite this, we cannot urge you strongly enough to consider securing justice to the fullest extent the law allows to help ease your pain and suffering as you move forward in the future. A successful claim can help you access the quality medical care you deserve, hold the predator accountable, and help protect others from harm.
Be aware that statutes of limitations may apply to your claim. These are generally two years from the date of the last incident for adults and the 20th birthday for those who experienced sexual abuse or assault as a child. Please keep in mind that these statutes are subject to change. Contact our legal team as soon as possible to help safeguard your future. Call Cranston & Edward PLLC for a free consultation at 304-296-3500.
Cranston & Edwards PLLC is an aggressive legal advocate for sexual abuse and assault survivors. Our skilled personal injury trial attorneys fight for justice and your right to obtain the maximum compensation allowed by law. There is never a fee unless we win a claim for damages on your behalf.
Too injured to come to us?
We can come to your home or hospital bed.